Simple Steps to a More Positive You

Wednesday 7.30 - 8.30pm


So much of the stress and tension we normally experience comes from our mind,

and many of the problems we experience, including ill health are caused or aggravated by this stress.

Using meditation techniques and positive ways of thinking taken from Buddha’s teachings,

we can learn to stop worrying and start living.

Each class consists of a simple guided breathing meditation to calm and still the mind,

a short talk and a second guided meditation based on the topic of the talk.

There will be a chance to ask questions if you wish, and practical advice

for integrating what we have learnt into our daily life.


The class is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike.


Wednesday 7.30-8.30pm



Maitreya Kadampa Buddhist Centre,
13 Sea Road,
Bexhill-on-Sea TN401EE


£8 / £6 concession

Free for Members


Book online or pay on the day with cash or card

12 February – BOOK HERE

19 February – no class

26 February – BOOK HERE

5 March – BOOK HERE

12 March – BOOK HERE

19 March – BOOK HERE

26 March – BOOK HERE

2 April – BOOK HERE

9 April – BOOK HERE


Becoming a member is the most economical way to enjoy all our classes, courses and events. If you attend classes regularly, your membership will represent substantial savings versus paying for individual classes. Membership provides the opportunity to deepen your meditation practice and find solutions to the challenges of daily life.  For more information about our Membership scheme, please see Fees and Membership section

Class Format

what to expect

Guided Meditation

Each class begins with guided breathing meditation to help let go of distractions and settle the mind into an experience of inner peace.


Buddhist Teaching

The teacher will then give practical advice, based on the topic of the class, explaining how we can integrate Buddha’s timeless wisdom into our busy daily lives.


Classes are led by the Resident Teacher of 
Maitreya Centre, 
Gen Kelsang Rak-ma